Official website of author

Sally Munn

Sally’s first book, “Raising Kids Training Dogs and Living the Life You Dare to Lead,” is a guide to being a more successful parent as you teach, nurture and raise your children.  It’s a roadmap for new or overwhelmed parents that provides guidance, strategies and tactics to foster routines that support success, strengthen family bonds and help your children achieve independence.  Told in a straightforward easy to understand format supported by the real life stories of the author’s family. 

Must read for single parents and non-traditional families.  The author conceived her three children using artificial insemination from the same anonymous donor. The book lays out in usable detail how to build a normal, well functioning happy family whether you have one parent or two.  The book provides tools and makes recommendations regarding:

·       building a budget,

·       saving for college,

·       managing daycare,

·       life insurance and wills,

·       artificial insemination

“Raising Kids Training Dogs and Living the Life You Dare to Lead,” is enjoyable, informative, inspirational and fun.  The book reminds and demonstrates that successful parents are ultimately striving to work themselves out of a job by raising confident, resilient, caring, independent children; and ideally, enjoying the journey.

Books and Articles

Raising Kids

Training Dogs and Living the Life

You Dare to Lead

Recent Articles

First Time Parent Magazine:  1/18/25:  “Why Choose Artificial Insemination?” – Considerations and suggestions for conceiving a child on your own or in a non-traditional family.

Chicago Tribune; Voice of the People: 2/10/2025:  “Constitution Under Attack” – Advocating for Congress and judges to prohibit illegal executive overreach and to ensure separation of powers. Call out of what truly makes America a great country.

Chicago Tribune; Voice of the People: 9/23/2024:  “Vote to Protect Your Rights” – A plea to vote to support the American dream and fundamental human rights when voting in the November 2024 elections.

Chicago Tribune; Voice of the People: 2/25/2024:  “IVF Ruling Should be Tossed” – A response to the overturning of Roe v Wade and the ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court that embryos are people.

Chicago Tribune; Voice of the People: 9/23/2023:  “Lincoln’s Astuteness” – Advocating for finding common ground and fighting against divisiveness, supported by Abe Lincoln’s ability to navigate the slavery issue during the American Civil  War.


Author Sally Munn shares her experience of choosing to become a parent on her own via insemination. She lays out the values and strategies that worked for her in bringing up her three children in a loving and supportive environment. Sally also provides invaluable counsel on purpose-driven financial planning for the family. Any parent can benefit from Sally’s dedication and insight.
— Jill Kelsey, Editor/Publisher, First Time Parent Magazine
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News and Upcoming Events

Dates and Times - TBD

Book Signing & Meet the Author

Crystal Lake Public Library, 126 Paddock St. Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Dates and Times - TBD

Book Signing and Meet the Author

Women and Children’s Bookstore, 5233 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60640

Sept. 6 & 7, 2005; 10:00 - 6:00

Printer’s Row Book Fair

South Dearborn Street, from Ida B Wells to Polk Street



Sally is a retired credit professional. During her 40+ year career, Sally served in leadership positions for 19 years and believes that being a parent made her a better manager and being a manager helped make her a better parent. 

As an avid saver, Sally chose to retire early when faced with an unpleasant work situation and Return To Office mandates post-COVID.  Her first major project was writing “Raising Kids Training Dogs and Living the Life You Dare to Lead,” which outlines her parenting philosophies while sharing her unique journey into parenthood.  Her main goals in writing the book were to create a legacy for her own kids and to share her approach, strategies and ideas to help others raise amazing kids too.

The Appendices of the book offer files, guidance and tactics to help parents succeed as they navigate daycare, save for college and/or navigate choices regarding their non-traditional families.

Sally continues to reside in the 100+ year old house in northern Illinois where she raised her family.   She’s an avid DIYer, dedicated gardener, and voracious reader.  Sally makes time to take long walks in nature, attend plays/musicals, play pickleball, research and plan future trips with her family, and explore other creative pursuits.  

Sally is also working on completing and publishing a series of children’s books that she wrote while raising her family:  “Backyard Adventures – Where Imagination Runs Wild.”  These books will be added to her website once they are available for purchase.

Contact Info

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